The G5 Trail Collective is the trail program of non-profit Camp Grier and represents partnership between the USFS, local communities, and recreational trail user groups. G5 Stands for the Grandfather District and the 5 counties it covers - McDowell, Burke, Caldwell, Avery, and Watauga. The G5 was conceived in the town of Old Fort as a solution to the lack of funding for trail maintenance and trail development projects in the Grandfather District. The working group recognized that the district is a tremendous asset and could be a driving force to help build healthy and economically vibrant rural communities. In 2019, G5 launched a pilot trail project in Old Fort, raised more than $200,000 for planning design, and permitting and watched the concept grow into a proposed 42-mile trail expansion on USFS lands surrounding the town. The first six miles of trail and a 105 space parking area are opened on 6/26/2022 marking the completion of Phase I.
Today, the G5 Collective continues to leverage resources, increase volunteer support, and engage the local community in the development, maintenance, and use of recreational infrastructure in the Grandfather Ranger District and other public lands across Western North Carolina.