A diverse partnership is leading an effort to create a more sustainable future for Wilson Creek. Over the past three years, the community has come together to support better stewardship of the Wild and Scenic River. As part of this partnership, the US Forest Service is moving forward with plans to improve parking and river access. The Wilson Creek Action Plan provides a vision for outdoor recreation infrastructure development along Wilson Creek and presents recommendations for parking areas, river accesses, and support facilities such as restrooms and picnic areas. The plan reflects input from over 600 public comments and dozens of community meetings. The plan is organized around three overarching goals:
Visitor Orientation: Clearly define each public land manager’s boundaries and provide consistent information at key visitor orientation areas.
Visitor Experience: Organize existing parking by concentrating infrastructure development into “focus areas” while maintaining current levels of use across the corridor. Provide parking, vault toilets, and bear-proof trash cans at each focus area to address waste management. Explore opportunities for trail connectivity between sites.
Visitor Safety: Provide reserved parking and turn-around areas for law enforcement and emergency management. Eliminate parking in non-designated areas using boulders, guardrails, and road realignment.

Project Study Area
Proposed improvements are concentrated in the southern end of the river corridor, known as the Wilson Creek Gorge, the 5-mile stretch along Brown Mountain Beach Road from Adako Road to Craig Creek Road. The Action Plan details 11 recommended river access parking areas, or “focus areas”, within this stretch on US Forest Service, North Carolina Wildlife Resources, and Caldwell County lands.
North of Craig Creek Road, general recommendations are made for future development, but specific facilities are not noted. The larger project area covers 9 miles of the Wilson Creek Wild and Scenic River corridor along Brown Mountain Beach Road from Adako Road to NC 90 at Mortimer.
Project Partners
Carolina Land and Lakes Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) is funding the planning work with local planning firm Destination by Design. The US Forest Service Grandfather Ranger District is leading the effort in partnership with land managers from the NC Wildlife resources Commission. A diverse coalition representative of the local residents, businesses, and users is guiding the process. These partners include: A Clean Wilson Creek, American Whitewater, Caldwell County Chamber of Commerce, Trout Unlimited, Caldwell County Planning Department, Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina, G5 Trail Collective, Latinos Aventureros en las Carolinas, Northwest NC Mountain Bike Alliance, and Wild South.